Inter-Library Loan
this is fundamental to our study-activities
whenever we hear of a book we need to "check out" that's not held by our local library, we I.L.L. it. that means that our reference librarian uses a special database to track down the nearest copy of the book, and requests it for us.
sometimes there's a couple of dollars due for postage
they've gotten books for us from as far away as germany! usually it's somewhere within a couple hundred miles
got a phone message yesterday that James Koehnline and Ron Sakolsky's marvelous Gone to Croatan came in for us via the I.L.L. (again!)
You know James Koehnline's art: he did those awesome collages for Axiom album covers
actually via the link on the book title above autonomedia will sell you a copy for $8. get the book and we can read it together! you will not be disappointed (or i'll buy yours from you, how's that?)
this is fundamental to our study-activities
whenever we hear of a book we need to "check out" that's not held by our local library, we I.L.L. it. that means that our reference librarian uses a special database to track down the nearest copy of the book, and requests it for us.
sometimes there's a couple of dollars due for postage
they've gotten books for us from as far away as germany! usually it's somewhere within a couple hundred miles
got a phone message yesterday that James Koehnline and Ron Sakolsky's marvelous Gone to Croatan came in for us via the I.L.L. (again!)
You know James Koehnline's art: he did those awesome collages for Axiom album covers

actually via the link on the book title above autonomedia will sell you a copy for $8. get the book and we can read it together! you will not be disappointed (or i'll buy yours from you, how's that?)
back cover text:
"America" was founded as a land of drop-outs. Almost at once it began to produce its own dissidents - visionairies, utopians, Maroons (escaped slaves), white and black "Indians," sailors and bucaneers, tax rebels, angry women, crank reformers, "tri-racial isolate" communities - all on the lam from Babylon, from control. Their self-liberation was carried out under the sign of Wild(er)ness and its guardians, the "Natives." Having disappeared from "History," they have ever since been ignored by the Concensus and its guardians, the academics. Now Here they are again, coming back at you, claiming to have been the real "America" all along. They speak from the past, through the mediumship of radical historians, and in the present, in their own voices. They are speaking of other possibilities - speaking for a romantic becoming - for an insurrectionary moment - for a restoration of the unknown."
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